Friday, April 2, 2010

What does "4-H" mean?

What do the four H's stand for?

Head, Heart, Hands and Health: the four values which form the foundation of 4-H learning.

* Head - managing and thinking
* Heart - relating and caring
* Hands - giving and working
* Health - Being and living

These values are acknowledged and reaffirmed by 4-H members every time they recite the 4-H pledge:

I pledge

My head to clearer thinking,

My heart to greater loyalty

My hands to larger service

My health to better living,

For my club, my community,

My country and my world.

4-H Emblem:

A green four-leaf clover, with a white "H" on each leaflet.

4-H Colors:

4-H colors are green and white.

4-H Motto:

To Make the Best Better

4-H Slogan:

Learn by Doing

Dillingham teachers rise to the call

Several teachers in the Dillingham Middle/High School have stepped up to the plate to offer 4-H activities to the youth of our community.

We are hoping to get something rolling prior to the SW Alaska Gardening Symposium, tentatively scheduled for September 23-26th, 2010.

Potential competitive categories may include:
* jams and jellies;
* subsistence food categories (smoked fish, canned fish, etc.);
* vegetables and livestock
* net mending or hanging
* arts and crafts